Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 was released in May, and for the last few months we’ve been going over the dozens of new features it delivers, first as introductions, and now in more detail. Today we’re going to take a closer look at some more new features we’ve previously introduced, the ones coming to Project Time and Expense (PTE) for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016.
First of all, we have improvements to the PTE Employee Expense Entry screen. Headlining these changes, the Item column now displays as the Cost Category ID field, and Unit of Measure and Unit Cost fields have been added so that users can more readily understand exactly what needs to be entered. Here is the full list of improvements:
- The Item field is now listed as Cost Category ID
- The Description field has been moved from the second detail entry row to the first detail entry row
- The Billing field is now listed as Bill Type, and it has been moved from the second detail entry row to the first detail entry row
- The Billing Note field has been added with a link to the Billing Note screen for the detail line
- The Unit of Measure and Unit Cost fields have been added to bring the PTE Employee Expense Entry screen in line with the standard Employee Expense Entry screen for Project Accounting.
In addition, in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016, users will now find a Print button on both the PTE Employee Expense Entry and PTE Timesheet Entry screens. This button can be used to print the Edit List for each screen, and it is located next to the File menu. These Edit Lists will look much like the other Edit Lists in Microsoft Dynamics GP.