Simplify Your Approval Process with These 14 Dynamics GP Workflows

Workflows are a set of steps centered around your business rules. The key goal of a workflow is to control an approval process and ensure that certain jobs are completed properly.

Microsoft Dynamics GP provides several different types of workflows that you can choose to implement within your organization. These workflows can simplify a variety of tasks, from approving a PO through e-mail, to approving changes to your employee profiles from a comprehensive list of changes made before payroll processing.

Here are the 14 Dynamics GP workflows to simplify approval processes in your company:

Payables and Receivables Workflows

  1. Payables Transaction Approval: This workflow enables your employees to submit their payables transactions for approval.
  2. Vendor Approval: This allows employees to create and/ edit vendors before submitting for approval.
  3. Purchase Order Approval: This allows employees to submit all the purchase orders made for approval.
  4. Payables Batch Approval: This enables your employees to submit payable transactions batches for approval.
  5. Purchase Requisition Approval: This allows employees to submit all purchase requisitions made for approval.

Financial, Sales & Project Accounting Workflows

  1. Expense Report Approval: This allows employees to submit all employee expense project reports for approval.
  2. General Ledger (GL) Batch Approval: This allow your employees to submit all the journal entries batches for approval.
  3. Timesheet Approval: This allow employees to submit all the project timesheets for approval.
  4. Receivables Batch Approval: This allow employees to submit receivables transactions batches for approval.

Payroll Workflows

  1. Employee Timecard Approval: This allow your employees to submit all the time cards for approval.
  2. Employee Profile Approval: This enables your employees to alter their employee information, add dependent, emergency contacts, and view their position history information.
  3. Employee Direct Deposit Approval: This enables your employees to change/view/and or stop their direct deposit data.
  4. Employee W4 Approval: This allows your employees to alter their federal tax information on W4 form and submit this form for approval. It has a history tracking.
  5. Employee Skills Approval: This allows your employees to view and/edit their skills, training history, test, and education information.

Your company can gain a ton of value from Dynamics GP Workflows. Once you understand all the required steps for a workflow, and you can clearly draft out the process, create your workflow steps and implement it successfully within your organization.  

About MIG & Co.

MIG & Co. specializes in implementing and supporting industry leading financial and business software that offer the lowest total cost of ownership. Since 1998, our company’s passion is to empower organizations to automate business processes and maximize productivity.

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