Don’t Overlook This Cost When You Are Selecting Your Next ERP Solution

blog-sl-overlook-cost Don’t Overlook This Cost When You Are Selecting Your Next ERP Solution

In an article that was recently published at, Guus Krabbenborg made a great point. When organizations are selecting an ERP solution to implement, the various costs and benefits are enumerated and meticulously analyzed for each potential system under consideration, but one cost is too often left unconsidered: the cost of the next ERP system.

How long do you expect and want your new ERP system to work for you? Five years? Ten years? As Krabbenborg points out, a lot can change in ten years. Look back to ten years ago from today: a tablet was a pill and swiping was thievery. Phones were things we used to talk to one another! The internet was something you needed a cord to connect to, and we watched television shows on television sets. Twitter was just born and we still laughed about anyone ever using it, and social networking was done on MySpace.

Of course, some things don’t change so much. Know what the best ERP system was for small to midsize organizations that are project-based in 2006? Microsoft Dynamics SL. Know what the best ERP system is for small to midsize organizations that are project-based in 2016? Microsoft Dynamics SL.

2026? Bet on Microsoft Dynamics SL.

The fact is, when you see the name “Microsoft,” you know you are standing on stable ground, and when you choose Microsoft, you are future-proofed as well as you can be. Microsoft Dynamics revenue grew 11 in the latest quarterly results, and that’s been going on for years and years. Microsoft Dynamics SL has an international presence, and Microsoft Dynamics SL is on a twice-a-year update schedule.

Yep. Bet on Microsoft Dynamics SL.

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MIG & Co. specializes in implementing and supporting industry leading financial and business software that offer the lowest total cost of ownership. Since 1998, our company’s passion is to empower organizations to automate business processes and maximize productivity.

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