Reporting Features in Microsoft Dynamics SL (Solomon) 2015 Part 3

blog-sl-reporting-features-350x231 Reporting Features in Microsoft Dynamics SL (Solomon) 2015 Part 3Plenty of new reporting features were delivered with the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics SL, and in our last couple of blog entries about the solution, we have taken a look at some of them:

  • New fields on the Select tab of the Chart of Accounts screen, as well as a lookup feature in the Value field there
  • Easily customizable field descriptions
  • Quick email sharing of a report from the preview of it

Today we’re going to continue looking at the reporting enhancements that were delivered with Microsoft Dynamics SL 2015.

Reports come with different formats. If you look at a report in the Report Control Maintenance window (Maintenance > Report Control Maintenance), you will see these formats. For example, if you pull up the GL Transaction report in this window (by selecting it from the Report Number lookup list), you will see that that report has four different report formats out of the box. When you use this report, a drop-down box will enable you to choose one of these formats.

Prior to the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics SL, users were limited to eight formats for a report, but now that limit has been lifted, and you can add as many formats as you want. You can still use the other tab functionality (Control Options and Custom Fields) the same as before.

What if you want to change which format will be the default for a report? For this you will use the new Default Report Format Maintenance screen (Maintenance > Default Report Format Maintenance). Here you can set up the default format for a specific report and for a specific company within the organization. You can also make this choice for all companies at once. If you make a change in the default format for a report, click the Save button, and now when you open that report, you’ll see the new default format. But you can still use the drop-down list to select another format.

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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