Dynamics GP Cloud Based Solution Handles Complex Financials with Ease

organize-florida-logo Organize Florida Customer Story
“The biggest benefit we’ve seen is in the Chart of Accounts. Once we become proficient, we’ll be able to do everything we need with our eyes closed.”

~Maddie Garcia, VP of Finance and Accounting,
Organize Florida

Organize Florida

United States

Community Based Non-Profit

Customer Profile

Organize Florida is dedicated to the principles of social, racial, and economic justice and the promotion of an equal and fair Florida for all.

Business Situation

Organize Florida had outgrown their existing Finance and Accounting system and needed Cloud based solution that would handle the complexity of their Chart of Accounts and provide robust reporting.


MIG & Co installed a cloud-based Microsoft Dynamics GP solution.

Business Needs

With multiple locations and grants to manage, Organize Florida outgrew their old financial and accounting application. There were issues with the complexity of their organization as well as security concerns. It was difficult to get reports at the sub-organization level. The organization wanted an affordable, cloud-based solution that would handle their needs.

The Solution

After researching several solutions, Organize Florida decided that Dynamic GP was the right application and MIG & Co. was the right partner to assist with the implementation. Dynamics GP is a complete ERP solution built for small and medium sized organizations. As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, MIG & Co. provides planning, implementation, customization, and support services.

Originally, the project was designed as a self-service implementation. MIG & Co. has developed checklists and a modular approach to assist customers who want to use their own staff to implement Dynamics GP. Ultimately, Organize Florida decided to bring in MIG & Co. consultants to assist with the project.

Ability to Handle Complex Organizations

Organize Florida has multiple locations, sub-organizations, and grants to manage. They wanted a Chart of Accounts that was easy to work with and gave them the ability to clean up outdated entries without requiring massive amounts of time. Dynamics GP includes features like home pages and quick links that will help Organize Florida become even more productive.

Fast, Affordable, Cloud Solution

Dynamics GP can be implemented in a variety of ways including on premises, private cloud, public cloud, or hybrid solution. Even with a tight budget, an expedited time line, and complex requirements, the Dynamics GP cloud solution chosen by Organize Florida has given them the Chart of Accounts they wanted.

They were able to duplicate the functions from their old solution without the cumbersome technical knowledge required. In addition, they have access to new functions that weren’t available in their old solution.

With the cloud Dynamics GP implementation, Organize Florida has a flexible and affordable solution that provides enterprise class security, reliability, and scalability.

Industry Knowledgeable Team

Due to the complexity of the solution, Organize Florida engaged additional technical support from the MIG & Co. team. The team has Finance and Accounting business experience with other organizations in the same industry. When combined with their technical GP knowledge, the team was able to help Organize Florida implement a solution that incorporated best practices.

Easy to Manage with Robust Reporting

Having a limited staff to apply to their Finance and Accounting functions, Organize Florida requires a solution that is easy to manage. The modular nature of Microsoft Dynamics GP means that the solution is easy to maintain even with multiple locations.

Organize Florida will be able to automate their grant management processes, more easily track funds, and demonstrate accountability. Those capabilities will help them prevent over spending and help attract future funding.

Using full SQL server technology, Dynamics GP has scalability built in. With over 400 Microsoft Excel reports built in, and an Excel Report Builder, reports are fast and easy to create and distribute. The reports can be viewed from virtually anywhere, including a Windows browser, IOS, or Android platforms as well as tablets.


Organize Florida had outgrown their existing financial and accounting system. They needed a robust cloud solution that would handle a complex Chart of Accounts with multiple locations and grants. A well-designed Chart of Accounts was essential to getting accurate reporting and consistent definitions across the organization.

Organize Florida originally planned to implement Dynamics GP with their in-house staff. MIG & Co. has developed a modular approach and a collection of checklists to assist customers who want to complete the project themselves. The implementation was complex requiring accommodation of multiple locations and sub-organizations. Based on the magnitude of the project and company staffing limitations, Organize Florida decided to pull in technical support from MIG & Co. to help with the implementation. They wanted to duplicate the functions that were available in their previous financial application but without the technical complications.

In addition to their technical expertise, the MIG & Co. team has deep industry vertical knowledge of Accounting and Finance functions. As a result, they were able to help Organize Florida implement a best practices solution in a fast and affordable manner.

The new solution has given Organize Florida a redesigned Chart of Accounts that meets the requirements created by the demands of a growing organization.

Organize Florida is in the process of removing duplicate or outdated information. Their new system will easily accommodate their growth going forward.

Even with the complexity of the organization, the project was completed within Organize Florida’s budget.

Their new Chart of Accounts will give them more detailed and accurate insights into their financial data and facilitate more in-depth analysis. According to Maddie Garcia, VP of Finance and Accounting: “On a scale of one to ten for productivity, we’re already at an eight and will only get better.”

Do more with Microsoft Dynamics & MIG

MIG & Co. specializes in implementing and supporting industry leading financial and business software that offer the lowest total cost of ownership.

Since 1998, our company’s passion is to empower organizations to automate business processes and maximize productivity.

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